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FabFest 2021 Brings Us All Together Now!


FabFest-Charlotte's Beatles Festival exceeded expectations and the we're still feeling the fabulous energy that the weekend generated among us all!

Beatles fans from near and far came out in great numbers to all three #FabFestCharlotte festival events: The Fab Four on Friday night, FabFest Daytime at Spirit Square and our 17th Tosco Music Beatles Tribute that took place at Belk Theater for the very first time, with special guest Joey Molland of Badfinger joining us for the entire weekend.

Thank you to everyone for coming out, volunteering, performing, participating in the games and entering the Beatles Art Contest, Beatles Cover Song Contest and Beatles Open Mic. Stay tuned to www.fabfestcharlotte.org where more photos as well as video highlights from these will be shared soon.

Randy Barrier from Hickory, NC is singlehandedly responsible for the massive display of Beatles memorabilia displayed in the Gallery and throughout Spirit Square - we are so grateful for his generosity in sharing his amazing collection! If you missed it, Beatle Brad did a great video review of the mega memorabilia here.

Hats off to Maurice "Mo" Brines, George Ramsay and Justin Fedor for taking the helm at the three FabFest Daytime stages and moving everything along with so smoothly! Thanks also to the speakers and to Charlotte Film Society for hosting the Video Room, Meg Kimmell & Phyllis Fulton for planning the Family Fun Room, and Becky Keenan for initiating the Beatles Memory Wall and the Beatles column mural completed in record time by Natalie Robinson. Special thanks to event managers and other staff: Tara Jo West, Jason Sector, Susan Rose, Aaron Rickert, Ami Hill, Therese Bartholomew, and Diana Wade.

Select the grey dots above to enjoy photos by Daniel Coston (www.danielcoston.com). See more photos by Daniel Coston, Brad Nathanson, Jimi Nedoff and Monty Chandler online. Thank you to each of them and all of the photographers who captured special moments of the day: Phil Carias, Tricia Tamm, Julie McElmurry, and Cricket Weston.

See news coverage at WCNC and Fox 46, and a gallery of photos on Facebook here.

Videos of full performances will be linked here as they become available- enjoy!
"Love Me Do" - The Minor Majors
"I'll Follow The Sun"
- Reeve Coobs

"I Am The Walrus"
- The Nowhere Boys

"Come Together"
- The Phoebes

"Let it Be"
- El Lambert Band with Maria Howell

"Getting Better"
- Coconut Groove Band

Planning for next year's FabFest has already begun - we can't wait to do it again next year bigger and better! Mark your calendars for July 22-23, 2022, and subscribe to receive email updates!