* Love Notes Highlights * Get tickets for TMP April 12 *

April 2019 TMP Highlights


Thank you to all of the performers and volunteers who made this TMP such an incredible celebration of diverse music and community - to everyone in the audience who brought their voices to the party on a holiday weekend! See the full program here. View Jimi Nedoff's photos above by selecting the grey dots, or view the full gallery of photos online here.

For another video highlight, view the full performance by The Bailsmen here.

Special appreciation to Tosco Music members and donors who are helping ensure Tosco Music Parties and all of our outreach programs can keep happening in Charlotte for future generations of Charlotteans to enjoy! 

If live music is your passion too, will you help us continue? For as little as $3/month, you can help us reach our 30th anniversary goal of 300 members - become a member today!

Tickets are on sale now for:
June 15, 2019 - Beatles Tribute (part of FABFEST Jun 14-16)
Sept 14, 2019 - Tosco Music Party

Support for April TMP was provided in part by Arts & Science Council, Gardner Skelton PLLC and Zio Casual Italian Grill.